Tuesday, May 6, 2014

English Language certification authority by Tracktest (English certificate included)

tracktest english exam certificateOnce you complete successfully your English test at Tracktest, there is an English certificate generated for you. You can download it in .pdf format and attach it to your job application, communicate with your company HR department, or when choosing which level of the language course you want to take.

Here are some elements of the certificate explained in detail.

Name: This is the name you filled in your profile.(e.g. John Doe)

Level description: one of the six levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) based on the CEFR definition  (B1 Intermediate)

Results: total percentage results and results for each block- grammar, reading and listening comprehension.

Date: date of the test completion

Test ID (in the footer of the certificate): unique reference number of your test certificate. If you have any questions regarding the results or tests, please use this number as a reference in the communication with Tracktest.

Don't have your English certificate yet?  


Get your English certification now from Tracktest Online English Proficiency tests