Tuesday, July 2, 2024

E-mail invitation links become permanent

Inviting users via email has long been the preferred and most direct method for platform administrators to onboard users. This feature, launched a decade ago, has undergone several enhancements while maintaining its essential functionality.

Previously, issuing an invitation would generate a new, unique link, rendering the old one inactive. This often led to confusion as users attempted to use an outdated link. We've taken note of the feedback from company account owners who have voiced their concerns about this issue.

In response, we've introduced additional tools for administrators to manage user access, such as archiving, removing unused credits, and restricting access to certain levels. Consequently, the need for constantly changing invitation links has diminished.

Starting this July, email invitation links will no longer expire. If you resend an invitation for a new test months later, users will receive a familiar link in their email—the same one they've used previously. Should there be a need to refresh a link for a particular user or for everyone from your organisation, our support team will help you with the reset.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Get Your Speaking & Writing Results Swiftly with Express Delivery

Are you in a hurry to receive your Speaking & Writing and Verification results? Waiting the standard two weeks might not align with your schedule. That's where our Express Delivery service comes into play. Opt for this service, and we'll expedite your results, ensuring they're published within a mere 48 hours.

Keep in mind, this service is exclusively for those awaiting verification or the Speaking and Writing assessment outcomes. If you've completed the Standard Core test, your results are available instantly—no waiting necessary.

If you're anticipating both the Speaking & Writing assessment and Verification for the same test, rest easy—you'll only need a single Express Credit.

For individual test-takers, the process is straightforward. Simply select the Express Delivery option on your test results page to activate this speedy service.

If you've received access to the tests via your organization—be it through an invitation or a voucher—please contact your test administrator to facilitate the Express Delivery for you.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Admins: Individual notification about the test completion

Organisational admins have two ways how they can be notified by e-mail about their user activities. 

In the Organisational settings->Company profile in the section E-mail notification, admins can enable:

1. Individual notification about the finished test. The platform sends the e-mail to admins every time when their user finishes the Core or Complete test.

2. Summary Weekly Report. The platform sends an e-mail every Sunday with the attached report in the .csv format about the activity in their organization (users added, tests taken, used licenses). If there is no user activity, the report is not sent. This option is enabled as default for newly registered organisations.

Friday, January 5, 2024

A Year in Review (2023)

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to reflect on the milestones and achievements that made the year truly exceptional for Tracktest.
The year was marked by significant growth, user engagement, and a commitment to enhancing our platform.

Join us as we delve into the numbers and accomplishments that shaped Tracktest's journey in 2023.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Admins: Redesign of the organisational admin pages

We are excited to announce that we have given a fresh look to the organizational admin pages. This visual update only affects the company super-admins and admins who manage the settings and features for their organization.
The individual test-takers will not see any changes in their interface.

The new design of the admin pages is more modern, user-friendly, and consistent with our brand identity. 

The features and settings that you are familiar with remain as before, so you don't have to worry about learning anything new.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

One English grammar question (past tenses) before the September school start

With the arrival of September, students are heading back to school. Classrooms that were once quiet will soon be alive with the sounds of camaraderie and learning. It is a fresh beginning—an opportunity to reconnect with peers and teachers and to learn something new. 
For this occasion, we share the relatively difficult English grammar question assessing the use of English past tenses, which has only a 56% success rate.

Would you know the correct answer? 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Redesign of the user pages in the application

We are thrilled to announce that on July 11, 2023, we released the second stage of the redesign of the Tracktest platform. Over the past few months, our team has been dedicated to enhancing the user experience and making Tracktest more intuitive and visually appealing.

design-selet the test level

Staggered Launch and Key Milestones

The redesign process is being rolled out in stages, allowing us to carefully implement changes and gather valuable feedback along the way. Here's a glimpse of what you can expect.

After the first stage completed in February, this second phase focuses on revamping the pre-test and user pages. We aim to provide a fresh and modern look while ensuring the core functionality remains intact. You will notice some minor improvements based on your feedback, such as the ability to directly access the Speaking&Writing section from the home screen. We believe these enhancements will streamline your experience and make navigation more seamless.

Upcoming Redesign Plans

We have exciting plans for the future stages of the redesign, which include:

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Admins: Delivery status of the e-mail invitations in the user profile

We added the info about the sent date and delivery status of the invitation e-mails to the organizational module so the company admins know if there is any potential problem with the deliverability of the invitation links to the specific candidate.
It is visible in the user profile under the invitation link (for invitations sent since Feb 23rd, 2023, 1pm GMT):

status: delivered means that the mail server of the candidate accepted the mail. It still can skip the inbox and land in their junk or other folder based on their mailbox rules, but it has been delivered successfully to their mailbox.

status: failed: the candidate did not receive the e-mail. The reasons for failure can be the wrong e-mail address, a full mailbox, or a mail server rejecting the e-mail because of their anti-spam policy, etc. Approximately 3% of invite e-mails are affected.
It is typically a permanent fail, so resending the invite from the system will not help. 
Recommended action: Admin can copy the link and try to share it in alternative ways: send it from their own e-mail address or via instant messengers.