The StudyNetwork Magazine wrote a special report in their August/September edition about how IELTS, ETS, TrackTest and few other English exam providers reacted to the challenges of COVID-19. Here is what we said:
"[TrackTest] exam was well placed to offer solutions to English language testing during the global pandemic.
“The online format is in our DNA as the whole solution has been built as an online platform. Depending on their use case, some organisations used to use it strictly on their premises. They created the proctored environment in their assessment centre while still enjoying the benefits of the computerised tests, centralised rating, automated processing and storage of the results.
When the coronavirus restrictions came into effect, they just switched to our proctored version and allowed their students to take the exam from home. TrackTest recorded a significant spike in demand for their Verified Exam. In the first three months of 2020, TrackTest provided 2,000 per cent more verified tests compared to the previous year.”
You can read the full report on this link: