User ramay1418, an aircraft expert, provided this detailed answer (and also recommended TrackTest, thanks for that :-):
(loosely translated in English)
Your English should be relatively good. You should be at the level B1 or even B2 based on EU CEFR standard (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Like in real life, a better level is naturally always better :-).
You can take a level test via the public colleges or right here:
Please log in and start with the most difficult test first. When you fail, you can alway go one step down and then work on improving your language skills.
Englisch sollte relativ gut sein. Du solltest Dich am "CEFR-Standard (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)" der EU orientieren und bei verschiedenen Online-Tests mindestens den Level B1, eher B2, erreichen. Besser ist, wie im richtigen Leben, natürlich immer besser ;-).
Die verschiedenen Einstufungstests kannst Du über die Volkshochschulen machen oder gleich hier:
Melde Dich an und starte mit dem schwierigsten Test zuerst. Bei Defiziten gehst Du zunächst immer eine Stufe runter und arbeitest dann an einer Verbesserung Deiner Sprachkenntnisse.
Our remarks:
A clear definition of English proficiency requirements is a known problem in job post listings published by recruiters. Definitions, like "Basic English knowledge required" or "Passive knowledge", are very vague and difficult to prove. Therefore we always recommend hiring managers and HR consultants use a CEFR scale in their job offers.
CEFR framework is an internationally accepted scale defining language proficiency and all other language assessment systems are mapping against CEFR.
To put the CEFR scale into the job market context, we have started a collection of all known English language requirements for jobs based on CEFR.
Information is mostly from organizations and recruiters using our English assessment system or from authoritative sources. Still, we will also welcome some other unofficial or indicative hints like the one mentioned above. Let us know the specifications for your country.
Picture source: wikipedia.org
Picture source: wikipedia.org