Friday, September 27, 2024

New design of PDF reports

 This week we launched our newly designed PDF test reports now available for download directly from the results page. The PDF test report provides additional details and feedback on the test-taker's performance, such as net time spent, percentage scores for all test sections, and grammar categories that should be improved.

For the Complete test, comments from our raters on oral and writing performance are added to the second and third pages of the Test report. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Test timer in Core tests and Writing tests

The test timer is an essential feature for both Core and Writing tests in specific settings. Throughout most of the test duration, it is conveniently displayed below the header, allowing test-takers to easily check the remaining time without being distracted from answering questions.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Admin: How to save custom texts in invitation e-mails

During the invitation process, you can customize the default invitation text to include your important information.

The only restriction is that a button and a unique user link for starting the test will always appear below your text.

If you modify the email text, you will be prompted after sending the invitations to save it for future use.

If you choose to save it, this custom text will become the default for your next invitations until you decide to change it again.

Speaking test- timer for preparing the answer

The Tracktest Speaking exam features eight general conversational questions that you should be able to answer with minimal preparation.

You'll receive the question and have 30 seconds to prepare your response. 

Once you're ready, you can either click "Start Recording" or wait for the recording to begin automatically after 30 seconds.

The required duration of the answers varies from 15 seconds to 1 minute.
We recommend you use all the allocated time for your answer.

When you upload your answer, you will automatically get the next question. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

E-mail invitation links become permanent

Inviting users via email has long been the preferred and most direct method for platform administrators to onboard users. This feature, launched a decade ago, has undergone several enhancements while maintaining its essential functionality.

Previously, issuing an invitation would generate a new, unique link, rendering the old one inactive. This often led to confusion as users attempted to use an outdated link. We've taken note of the feedback from company account owners who have voiced their concerns about this issue.

In response, we've introduced additional tools for administrators to manage user access, such as archiving, removing unused credits, and restricting access to certain levels. Consequently, the need for constantly changing invitation links has diminished.

Starting this July, email invitation links will no longer expire. If you resend an invitation for a new test months later, users will receive a familiar link in their email—the same one they've used previously. Should there be a need to refresh a link for a particular user or for everyone from your organisation, our support team will help you with the reset.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Get Your Speaking & Writing Results Swiftly with Express Delivery

Are you in a hurry to receive your Speaking & Writing and Verification results? Waiting the standard two weeks might not align with your schedule. That's where our Express Delivery service comes into play. Opt for this service, and we'll expedite your results, ensuring they're published within a mere 48 hours.

Keep in mind, this service is exclusively for those awaiting verification or the Speaking and Writing assessment outcomes. If you've completed the Standard Core test, your results are available instantly—no waiting necessary.

If you're anticipating both the Speaking & Writing assessment and Verification for the same test, rest easy—you'll only need a single Express Credit.

For individual test-takers, the process is straightforward. Simply select the Express Delivery option on your test results page to activate this speedy service.

If you've received access to the tests via your organization—be it through an invitation or a voucher—please contact your test administrator to facilitate the Express Delivery for you.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Admins: Individual notification about the test completion

Organisational admins have two ways how they can be notified by e-mail about their user activities. 

In the Organisational settings->Company profile in the section E-mail notification, admins can enable:

1. Individual notification about the finished test. The platform sends the e-mail to admins every time when their user finishes the Core or Complete test.

2. Summary Weekly Report. The platform sends an e-mail every Sunday with the attached report in the .csv format about the activity in their organization (users added, tests taken, used licenses). If there is no user activity, the report is not sent. This option is enabled as default for newly registered organisations.

Friday, January 5, 2024

A Year in Review (2023)

As we bid farewell to 2023, it's time to reflect on the milestones and achievements that made the year truly exceptional for Tracktest.
The year was marked by significant growth, user engagement, and a commitment to enhancing our platform.

Join us as we delve into the numbers and accomplishments that shaped Tracktest's journey in 2023.